Basic Concept Statement on CPP
In this term, you're supposed to explain each concept provide. 20 problems are provided, with 1 points each.(Total: 20 score)
Initializing Principle
Explain basic principle when initialize a data object.
A name can be any combination of letters, numbers, and the underscore (_), but cannot begin with a number and cannot be a language keyword.
Memory leak
Explain What is called memory leak.
When allocating a memory for a variable, the programmer forget to release the memory after using that variable.
Function declaration
What is called the declaration of a function?
declaration of a function means making function known to compiler.
Continue in loop
What is the use of continue
in loop?
Short-circuits the remaining execution of the current iteration.(Skip the rest of the current loop and step into next turn.)
What is a pointer?
A pointer holds a memory address, something like, e.g., 0x00a0fb64.
What is scope
The region of the program in which an object is visible is called its scope.
Reference initialization
Explain: why declare the second parameter as a pointer to an object instead of a reference?void bubble_sort(vector<int>& vec, ofstream* ofilptr = 0)
// ......
if (ofilptr)
(*ofilptr) << "about to call swap! ix: " << ix << " jx: " << jx
<< "\t swapping: " << vec[ix] << " with " << vec[jx]
<< endl; // debugging output
// ......
Reference need to be initialize when declared. If we use reference, then it's not easy for us to judge whether the outputstream is passed outside the function. For example, here the pointer of the outputstream is initialized as a nullpointer, so we can use if(ofilptr==nullptr)
to do the following operations.
What is called function overload
Two or more functions can be given the same name if the parameter list of each function is unique either by the type or by the number of parameters.
(Same function name with different parameter list)
What dose sentinel
mean in this example?
template <typename elemType>
elemType* find(const elemType* ptr, const elemType* sentinel,
const elemType& value)
while (ptr != sentinel)
if (*ptr == value)
return ptr;
return 0;
the sentinel
should mark 1 past the last element of the array, to judge wheter the programmer has finished traversing the array.
What is called iterater?
An iterator is a class object that points to an element inside the container
Vector Property
Why can we access the i-th element in a vector(or an array) using *(address_of_the_first_elem+i)
A vector holds its elements in a contiguous area of memory.
What is the use of end()
in containers?
returns an iterator that addresses 1 past the last element.(返回最后一个元素的后面一位的地址,类比题目9.)
What is a constructor?
Constructors are special member functions that are called to initialize the object.
What is a copy constructor?
A copy constructor is a member function that initializes an object using another object of the same class.
What's the usage of the destructor?
To free resources acquired within the constructor.
Tell the difference between the shallow copy and deep copy.
Shallow copy: when we initialize one class object with another, the class member variables are copied in turn.
Deep copy: when an object is copied, an entirely new object is created and all reference objects are copied.
Tell what is public inheritance.
Retains public members of the base class as public and the protected members of the base class as protected in the derived class.
Tell the usage of keyword mutable
The keyword mutable
is used to make a fine distinction between the essential member variables and the non-essential member variables of a class.
Variables modified by `mutable` are allowed to be modified in const member functions
Stack memory
One day, Li Hua write a function:
vector<int>& febon(int pos){
vector<int> v;
return v;
He find the function cannot run successfully. Tell the reason of the problem.
vector v
is a local variable, which will be destroyed when the function end.
(The correct way is:)
vector<int> febon(int pos){
vector<int> v;
return v;
What is a static member variable?
A static member variable inside a class is a single and shared member that is accessible to all the objects of that class.
Simple Coding
In this quotes, giving 10 problems(2 pits each), fix the code block.
Swap by Pointers
Impliment a function below, to swap the values of the space the pointers pointing.
void swap(int *a, int *b){
//Write down your code.
void swap(int *a, int *b){
//Write down your code.
int c = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = c;
Print an Array
An array (int type), with length size
as parameter. Print it like: elem1 elem2 ...
void printArary(int*array, int size){
for(uint32_t i=0; i < size; ++i){
//write down your code.
cout << endl;
void printArary(int*array, int size){
for(uint32_t i=0; i < size; ++i){
//write down your code.
cout << *(array+i) <<" ";
cout << endl;
Also, cout << array[i] << " ";
is also ok.
Fix a Destructor
When the instance MyClass
is to be distroied, we need to delete all the instances in the class. Fix the destructor in this example.
struct Entity{
int x;
int y;
int z;
class ScopedPtr{
this->e = e;
//Write down your code.
struct Entity{
int x;
int y;
int z;
class ScopedPtr{
this->e = e;
//Write down your code.
delete e;
Const and mutable
In class Triangular
, I hope a variable named m_next
whose type is int
to be modified in const member functions. Declare it.
class Triangular {
//write down your code.
class Triangular {
//write down your code.
mutable int m_next; // non-essential
Initialize a Float
Initialize 1.3 as a float.
float a;
//assign a as a float.
//Write down your code.
float a;
//assign a as a float.
//Write down your code.
a = 1.3f;
also, you can write as a = (float)1.3;
Member function outside a class
In class Stack
, here is a menber finction:
class Stack{
bool empty(){
return m_stack.empty();
Li Hua want to split into a header file and a cpp file, and this is his header file.
class Stack{
bool empty();
try to help him fdesign his cpp file. Hint: define a member function outside the class body
//write down your code.
inline bool Stack::empty()// bool Stack::empty() is also ok.
return m_stack.empty();
Design a pure virtual function.
Design int elem(int pos) const
(a member function of class NumSeq
) as a pure virtual funciton
class numSeq{
//write down your code.
class numSeq{
//write down your code.
virtual int elem(int pos) const = 0;
Type define
In this scope, I'd like to use demical
to represent double
. use typedef
to help me.
//write down your code.
//write down your code.
typedef double demical;
Hint: typedef original_data_type your_data_type;
Overload operator
Two Triangular iterator class objects are equal if the two m_index
are equal, fix the scope.
bool ???(const Triangular_iterator& rhs) const{
return this->m_index == rhs.m_index;
bool operator==(const Triangular_iterator& rhs) const{
return this->m_index == rhs.m_index;
Pass array name
I want to find the pointer of element whose value is 3 and store the address in variable p
, using function find
as follow. Fix it.
template <typename elemType>
elemType* find(const elemType* ptr, int size, const elemType& value)
for (int ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix)
if (ptr[ix] == value)
return &ptr[ix];
return 0;
int main(){
int* arr = {2,3,5,10};
//write down your code.
int* p = ???
int*p = find(arr, 4, 3);
Also, answer can be:int*p = find(arr, sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int), 3);
Realistic Problem
Given 2 problems realistic, you're supposed to get correct codes.
I don't know how to test...
For a sequence 1,2,3,5,8
, let febo(x)
return the $x_{th}$ febonacci value. Write down your code.
Hint: febo(x) = febo(x-1)+febo(x-2)
, with febon(1) = 1
and febon(2) = 2
int febon(int x){
//write down your code.
vector<int> elems();
for(int i = 2; i < x; ++i){
return elems[i-1];
Inheritance and polimorphism
Gu Gu Gu